One of my favorite ways to support these healthy bacteria is through fermented foods. Click here for more info on how to make your own fermented foods and enjoy this video!
We have more bacteria in our bodies than cells! They are essential for our health and wellbeing so it's time to make friends with them. One of my favorite ways to support these healthy bacteria is through fermented foods. Click here for more info on how to make your own fermented foods and enjoy this video!
![]() Sleep is essential for our health & wellbeing. If you aren't sleeping well, there is hope to have a deeper, sounder sleep naturally! In this video, I'll share a few basic sleep hygiene tips. If you implement these techniques and still find you're not getting good zzz's, you may want to consider other natural treatment options such as herbal medicine, supplementation and acupuncture. ![]() I see many women in my practice struggling with painful periods & PMS. Supporting women on the journey to have healthier, balanced hormonal cycles for life is one of my greatest passions. It's liberating for women to connect with their bodies and understand what they need to take care of themselves. I feel it's very unfortunate that women suffer every month and just accept this as being a part of being a women. I'd like to shout from the rooftops, "Ladies, there is hope!" But instead, I made a video. Enjoy and please share with the ladies you know who are struggling with this :) "The deeper buried the distress, the further into the body it went. The digestive system was about as far as it could go to hide.” ![]() Stress is not all in our heads. The physiological effects of chronic stress clearly demonstrates mind and body are not separate. Does stress affect your digestion? Chronic stress can aggravate or even lead to conditions such as IBS, peptic ulcers and heartburn. The good new is there is much we can do to reduce stress and support healing of the digestive system! Check out my latest video for a few basic tips to get you started... "The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well." ~ Hippocrates ![]() We're celebrating naturopathic medicine week in Ottawa! What better way to celebrate than in nature so this week's Wellness Wednesday video was taken in the park at Dow's Lake (probably my favorite spot in Ottawa). This week patients have been enjoying a free infrared sauna session and bag of Shanti wellness tea as a special thankyou from me for supporting naturopathic medicine. Naturopathic Medicine is a wonderful profession that I'm incredibly proud of and so honored to work with people every day to transform their health! Through precept, lecture and example, I will assist and encourage others to strengthen their health, reduce risks for disease and preserve the health of our planet for ourselves, our families and future generations. ~ Naturopathic Oath I'm excited to introduce Wellness Wednesdays! This is my commitment to sharing empowering health information with you EVERY WEEK through Video Blogging. This is very new to me and being in front of a camera can be a bit daunting so I really appreciate your support! If you are inspired by the info...Please Share! And always feel free to contact me with questions or comments. In celebration of springtime, this week is on SEASONAL ALLERGIES! Enjoy :) How well do you know herbal medicine? ![]() Herb #1
Herb #2
Herb #3
Herb #4
![]() Herb #5
Herb #6
Herb #7
Herb #8
Herb #9
Herb #10
Herbal Jeopardy - The Answers ![]() Herb #1 What is Chamomile Herb #2 What is Astragalus Herb #3 What is Ginkgo biloba Herb #4 What is Lavender Herb #5 What is Passion Flower Herb #6 What is Calendula Herb #7 What is Lemon Balm Herb #8 What is Licorice Root Herb #9 What is Oat Straw Herb #10 What is Garlic "Times of Stress are times that are signals for Growth" ![]() Why don't lobsters share? They're shellfish. Haha...I just couldn't resist sharing that. After all laughter is great medicine. I was recently naturopathic convention and this years theme was all about STRESS. Stress is no laughing matter. One memorable moment was shared from a LOBSTER. Check the video out below for a little inspiration from our shellfish friends. ![]() "Change is Inevitable. Growth is Optional" ~John C. Maxwell The daylight shortens, the air cools and the leaves begin to fall. The summer days are coming to an end inviting new beginnings of autumn. The changing season is reflected in our lives as a time of transition. Transition is also in the air at Sage Wellness with changes happening in the fall. We are welcoming new practitioners to expand our diverse health team. To accommodate this growth, our practitioners are also changing their availability. Despite the change, the foundation of our mission and values remains the same: To create a peaceful space of healing for all aspects of the self; physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Change can be simultaneously exciting and daunting. When we step into the unknown, we are reminded that anything is possible. There is hope in the possibility of change that invites us to grow. As you transition into the fall, we invite you to reflect on your own life. What are my health goals? What change can I make that reflects how I really want to live? What obstacles challenge me from living a happy, health life? What steps can I take to overcome them? We are honored here at Sage Wellness to continue to support you to achieve your health goals. Wishing you a happy transition into the fall. In Wellness, Dr. Heather, ND ![]() Change is in the air as the summer days come to an end. Reminds me of this favorite. Enjoy by Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. |
AuthorDr. Heather Prescott is a Naturopathic Doctor in the Cowichan Valley, passionate about empowering & inspiring everyone with safe, natural & effective healthcare. |